Thursday, 15 March 2012

Don't stay in the friend zone, Stay in the Safe zone

Today I'm here to talk about a very versatile trap card known as Safe zone
No fear Mirror force!!!
First of all let's do the usual thing with every card we talk about: Deconstruct it.
Activate by selecting 1 face-up Attack Position monster. That monster cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects, or be destroyed by battle. It cannot attack your opponent directly. When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is removed from the field, destroy this card.

Activate by selecting 1 face-up Attack position monster. This seems simple enough does it not? Activate and target, done. WRONG! Does that line specify which monster to target? Does it say target one face-up monster on YOUR side of the field? No it does not. That means you can hook your opponent's monster up with this card. You may be wondering why you would want to help your opponent out with a card as powerful as this but I shall clear that up for you as the post progresses. 

That card cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponent's card effects, or be destroyed by battle. Now how great is that? A monster that is practically invincible and you no longer have to fear spells or traps that would normally blow up your monster. The question from above still lingers though, why would you want to give your opponent such an advantage? I have yet to answer this question but fear not I will. Please note that your monster is not completely invincible, hence why I said practically invincible. The opponent can still use cards such as Caius the shadow monarch or Trishula, dragon of the Ice barrier or Brionac, Dragon of the ice barrier.

It cannot attack your opponent directly, sounds like a reasonable cost for making a monster near indestructible.
When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is removed from the field, destroy this card. Seems simple enough, odds are the trap 'Safe Zone' is more likely to be destroyed than the monster that it's used on.

Okay time to explain why this card can work as a two way weapon.
Suppose your opponent activated Heavy storm to clear your back row, you could chain it to their monster and since safe-zone would be destroyed, so would their monster. Awesome right? Let's say your opponent just summoned their Black luster Soldier- Envoy of the beginning and is about to swing at you for 3k damage. You safe-zone their BLS and it can't scratch you. Next turn you can just use MST on safe zone and goodbye BLS.

There are many more ways to manipulate safe-zone but I haven't used it enough to experience all the different scenarios it can be used in. 

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